Daily Drawings (70-76)

This Superman is from the cover of 1992’s Superboy Special #1 by Kevin Maguire, one of my favorite comic artists. I’ve always loved that cover, and have tried to draw this before. By far, this is the most successful attempt.

This hand is from the cover of 1988’s Green Lantern Special #1 by Tod Smith.

Daily Drawings (49-55)

While drawing this, I noticed that the design sort of has Lex’s initials on the shoulder pieces. I don’t know if that was intentional.

I didn’t realize until afterwards how many purple characters were in this batch.

With this Joker, I tried out my wife’s colored pencils. They were too soft for my liking, and they didn’t go well with the rough paper I was using.

I needed a drawing that would be quick to color, because I was didn’t want to stay up late, and I had this one reserved for just such an occasion.

With this last one, I finished every page of my sketchbook. (I rip each completed page out to deliver to the recipient, so it’s empty now.) That’d seem like a bigger accomplishment, if you realize how many partially-filled sketchbooks I have around here.